Monday Muse | Making it Real

Making it Real In the 15th Century, paintings in the Netherlands became much more realistic. For the first time, it was common for artists to use settings and people drawn from…

Monday Muse | Michelangelo’s David

The marble used to create the famous statue of David, by Italian artist Michelangelo, was actually set to be used not once, but twice for sculptures by two other artists.…

Monday Muse | The Peacock Room

The Peacock Room was once the dining room in the London home of Frederick Leyland, a wealthy shipowner. Originally designed by architect Thomas Jekyll, who asked James McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) for…

Show Opening – Kenton Yoder | Lisa Pelo

Kenton Yoder discovered painting at age 56, after working in the model toy industry, dabbling in stained glass design, and designing Origamic architecture. He started painting in the abstract style, which…

Pop-Up Art Gallery at Buchtel House

The Garrett Museum of Art is hosting a pop-up art gallery at the historic Buchtel House, located at 217 W. 7th Street, Auburn, Indiana, on September 3rd through 6th.  The gallery…

Monday Muse | Art Heist

In the very early hours of March 18, 1990, a vehicle pulled up near the side entrance of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, Massachusetts. Two men wearing police uniforms pushed…

Monday Muse | Banksy’s Shredded Art

The artist Banksy is well known for his controversial works of art and stunts, such as adding a painting at the Tate Britain in 2003, installing his own rendition of…