Join us at the Garrett Museum of Art, located at 100 S. Randolph Street in Garrett, on SATURDAY, April 8, 2023 from 4PM to 7PM to celebrate the opening of our next exhibition, EARLY BROWN COUNTY ARTISTS.
Admission is FREE. The Opening Reception is open to the public and all ages are welcome. The show will run from April 8, 2023 through July 1, 2023.
Special note: due to our new summer hours of being closed on Sundays (May 28th – September 3rd), the show will close on SATURDAY, July 1, 2023.

Midwest artists at the turn of the 20th Century watched their idyllic natural scenery be taken over by growing cities. They longed to find a scenic place where the landscape looked more like 1850 than 1900, yet a landscape not too far from the urban centers where their art could be sold. They found it in Brown County in Southern Indiana, an area of hills, valleys, meandering streams, log cabins, and quaint folks – all seemingly frozen in time. Word spread of this artists’ paradise and an important art colony was born.
This exhibit, with more than 100 pieces drawn from private collections, showcases the artists that came to Brown County in the first half of the 20th Century, accomplished and professionally trained painters, printmakers, and potters, including T. C. Steele, Adolph Shulz, Will Vawter, Lucie Hartrath, L. O. Griffith, Edward K.William, Gustave Baumann, and many more.
The exhibit is co-curated by Douglas Runyan and Dan Kraft. This private collection of early Brown County artworks opens on Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 4PM – 7PM, and runs through Sunday, July 2, 2023. It is free and open to the public with all ages welcome.
Regular Museum Hours:
Friday 5PM – 8PM
Saturday 4PM – 7PM
Sunday 1PM – 4PM (CLOSED on Sundays May 28th – September 3rd)
The museum will be closed March 27th through April 7th.
Private tours are available Monday through Thursday by appointment only. Please call 260-704-5400 to schedule yours today.