Many famous paintings were hung during an install at the New York Museum of Modern Art, opening an exhibit that featured the last works of Henri Matisse. During the period of the exhibit, neither the staff nor the visitors noticed that one of the works, Le Bateau, was hung upside down.  This mistake was not noticed until 47 days later. How is that for embarrassing art facts?

Artist Anish Kapoor, a famous sculptor, created a piece made from polystyrene, resin, and cement. Cleaners confused this for a piece of garbage and it was thrown out by accident. In return, Kapoor received a hefty check from all the damages.

Picasso owned a monkey, a dog, an owl, a turtle, and cats.

Artist Salvador Dali is once known for showing up to deliver a speech wearing a scuba diving suit. He also believed he became the reincarnation of his older brother after his brother had been dead for nine months.

Monet’s father did not approve of him becoming an artist. His father told him to become a grocer in order to provide a stable income for himself.  

The largest statue in the world is Mount Rushmore National Memorial.  Construction began on this rock formation in 1927 and was completed in 1941. Four former presidents grace this sculpture: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and Jefferson.

New Jersey has a museum devoted to 5,400 spoons! They come from all over the globe and each one commemorates a special event. The displays rotate seasonally, so only 250 spoons are displayed at a time. 

During his time, Van Gogh struggled as an artist. Only one person has ever bought a Van Gogh painting while Van Gogh was alive. The painting was sold in Brussels for 400 francs only a few months before he passed away.  

Another installment of Did You Know?  coming soon!

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